Let Us Know
The role of CSIR-CLRI in scientific industrial research space of India is very focused. Objective of the institute is to meet the needs of the leather and allied sectors through research, technology development and transfer, training and industrial support and formulation of policies and plan of action that ensures a technology based competitive advantage for Indian leatherLeather technology, which deals with tanning raw hides and skins and finishing the tanned leather to impart to it the specific properties which it should have to be suitable for making particular types of leather articles either for military or civilian use, although very old, is still making progress. Its progress has been due to the application of various branches of science to it and research which is being carried out to explain the principles underlying the old craft of tanning, to throw light on the mechanism whereby the profound change viz.,
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Vision & Mission
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Industrial Linkages
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Research Council
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Management Council
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International Linkages
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